It's so hard to save money. it's soooo easy to spend money. it's practically in my nature to spend money. or at least culture to spend money. and it's hard to save money, even for something i really want. I've written about budgets before and i will write about them again but they are so so important. and it's important to remind yourself why you are saving money. Traveling can be cheap but depending on where you go or unexpected costs you can be out a lot of money too. the rule is true: bring half the clothes and twice the money.
I work a normal 8-5 job. i'm not at a computer all day. but i am super busy. And i don't make much over minimum wage. if i want to travel i need to do everything i can to make it happen within my limits. i have bills and student loans like everyone else but if i work hard to make travel a priority then i can have what i want, to add more stamps to my passport.
Make a budget. seriously. if you don't have one start right now. it's the one thing that is going to kepe you on track and focused on your goals. it's the only thing that really helps me stay on top of my expenses. Also, actively stick to it. i'm tempted by everything when i walk into a store, things i maybe need or will need someday. but it's about the here and now. i don't really need the latest movie that just came out. and if i really want it i can wait a few months until it's discounted. that's how things go. they will always be discounted eventually.
After i pay all of my bills my next step is put money toward my savings. it's usually 10% of my paycheck so that's twice a month i'm putting money into savings. Then I have a separate account i use for travel expenses. i put about 5-10% of each paycheck in there as well. that's the equivalent to a tithe if i was a religious person haha It's important to actively save for your upcoming trip.
Commit to sticking to your budget. And after a few weeks/months you will have the amount you need for a trip that just seems like "extra" cash you had lying around. Start your adventure!
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